
Jen Turner
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- Member Since
Apr 2018
- Profession
Author, Illustrator
Hi there, I’m Jennifer Turner. My earliest memories are vivid visualizations of coloring books, crayons and a contented little me coloring in with wholehearted glee. I was very fortunate that my father was a salesman for a paper company and I was never short of paper samples to draw on. I took great joy in drawing make believe scenes and creatures, the best for me was giving them funny smiling faces.
The little girl I once was is still very much in the foreground with cravings for creativeness and delightful imaginings. I thrive on pictures, colors and day dreams. I see pictures and faces in all places, predictable places like clouds but mostly in the places people overlook. I find faces in rocks and wood, creatures in raindrops that form on the window glass, even in the rainbow bubble clusters of the soapy dish water.
My inspiration can arise at bizarre times, during ordinary tasks and in peculiar places. I can thank the kitchen sink for a few of my rhymes and the vacuum cleaner has also played a part too. I take great pleasure in personifying inanimate things and I love to share my pictures, rhymes and imaginings with children. My illustrations are computer generated and all my books are rhyming. I've also enjoyed creating a few 'spot the difference books'. I hope to introduce many new characters in years to come.
It's a wonderful feeling when a seed of inspiration finally starts to root, shoot and bud as my inner child cheers me on to, 'bloom, bloom, bloom!' I thank my devoted husband Mark for his great encouragement and esteeming, he publishes all my books for me, so he plays a huge part in my promotion.
I am so thrilled in be in this technologically advanced era where I can share my books digitally with families from all over the world. I believe it is just as important to teach children the power of their imaginations as it is to give them an academic education. In this strict and rational world we must all make time to be childlike and frolic in some frivolous fun.
I hope that I will be successful in bringing a bit of enchantment into your children’s lives as well as your own.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know me.